GMCKS - Divine Bliss Card

GMCKS - Divine Bliss Card

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GMCKS - Divine Bliss Card

The Divine Bliss Card is an audio waveform print of this word invoked by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui.  

A true master of energy, GMCKS was an incredibly kind, compassionate, and generous teacher, healer and spiritual practitioner.  Simply being in his presence could bring about clarity, peace, stillness, and the feeling of bliss or ecstasy.  In meditation, GMCKS would often invoke for blessings of Divine Bliss to be shared with every person, every being on the Earth.  As a result, many of those experiencing the meditation would also find themselves in a state of Divine Bliss for a period of time.

We invite you to place in a meditation room to invoke and emanate the energies of Divine Bliss with this card or poster!

This card can be used for:



-Bringing a drop of Divine Bliss into ones aura to bring about deep spiritual experiences

-Increased prosperity energy when put in the wallet


This item is printed on premium card stock with gold foil.


Copyright © 2018 by Cody Engstrom

Please note, the seller is not responsible for and will not be held liable for any adverse effects arising from the use of this item.  GMCKS advised all of his students to always use discernment, even when learning from the teacher. The buyer is responsible for using proper discernment when using this item in any way.


8.5 x 11 and 11 x 17 are PRE ORDER ONLY, and will start to ship on November 1, 2024.